Saturday, January 9, 2010

One Man's Trash...

...Is another man's treasure. I had my biggest day yet at Goodwill today. I found this beautiful vintage mirror for $35!! I couldn't leave the store without it, eventhough I tried. As soon as I got home it went up in the dining room and I keep looking at it and saying, "why would anyone ever give this away to Goodwill?!" Whatever the answer to that question doesn't really matter to me, I am just so glad to have found it!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Early January Pics

Mommy and Dona time, playing in the sink :)

Have I told any of you how much I LOVE having girls...this picture is a perfect example of all of the estrogen in this's GREAT!! :)

The girls' new musical tea set from Bob and Mim...just got it yesterday and they LOVE it!!

Lelia dancing at Babies in Bloom at the Annapolis Library

Dona sitting on her mat at Babies in Bloom.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Pre-Christmas Play Date

David Entwisle and Lelia - love is always in the air when these two are together :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Adult Night Out!

One of the highlights for me this Christmas was meeting my sister's boyfriend and having a double date with them. We went out to Joss, our favorite sushi restaurant and then across the street for ice cream afterwards. Jeremy hated the ice cream (see below) and so did the rest of us. It is such a great feeling to know my little sis has someone who is really taking care of her, challenging her to grow (we all need that!!) and who leads by example (a few of our conversations were personally convicting). While it was nice to have them around a few extra days, it would have been best if it was just for fun rather than Jeremy having "emercency" surgery to have his appendix out. I guess he really wanted to leave something here in Annapolis to be rememberd by. LOL. What a pleasure it was to meet you, Jeremy and Jilly, I couldn't be happier for you, I get choked up everytime I think about you guys. Lots of love, Brooke

Silly December 2009 Pictures

Christmas light glasses that Mim and Bob gave us...we had SO much fun with these :) Thank you!

Marching around the coffee table to the Veggie Tales song, "Keep Walking" about the walls of Jerico falling down. So fun!

Christmas Reflections + 2010 Goals

As I looked at our Christmas pictures this year to post on the blog I realized how I missed out on having pictures taken of Tom and myself together. I guess that's what happens as your family grows, your so busy making sure everything is going smoothly that you forget some of the most important things. That will be something I pay more attention to in the holidays future.
We had a really nice Christmas this year. We went to Riva Trace Baptist Church's Christmas Eve Service because the timing fit our schedule and then went out to dinner with my mom's side of the family. Christmas morning we woke up and opened a few gifts and had our traditional monkey bread Christmas breakfast. Shortly there after my dad came over with gifts and we had another breakfast or early brunch, yup, I guess that's called breakfast, again. We later went to my mom's house for Christmas gifts and dinner. It was a wonderful day of taking it easy and seeing the people who matter to us, family.
This year I have made some goals for us. In the picture about is Sedona playing with edible play dough. Why is it in this post, because I put ground flax seed in it in keeping with my goal to help our family make healthier eating habits. We also had chicken salad with turmeric, a spice with many health benefits.
Sedona's main goal for this year is to desire to read will we help her to accomplish that? By reading to her more. The other one is her goal for the very very end of 2010...potty training!!
Lelia's main goal for right now, potty training. 2 potty trained kids in 1 year...that would be awesome!! Her long-term goal is to exercise more kindness and gentleness towards her younger sister. I will be focusing on teaching and modeling good behavior to that end and I know she will get better with that. She has such a sweet and sensitive spirit, despite her rough and tumble recreation choices.
My goals for get closer to God. To spend time studying and learning about Him every morning. To watch less TV and I plan to do that by having a good book to read for my "zone out" time after the kids go to bed. I already have about 8 books on hold at the library. Unfortunately, they seem to be books that everyone else wants to read right now too. I'll wait.
So, that's it for now, I'm looking forward to a wonderful 2010 with my family. I am so blessed and loved by God that he would give them to me to care for and love. May I always be worthy of the calling He has given me.
Love to all and a blessed 2010! Love, Brooke

Christmas Afternoon

Sweet, cuddly Sedona with a new gift.

My grandmother, Bumpy, yup, we call her Bumpy :)

My sister Jill, in case you can't tell, and her boyfriend Jeremy.

Lelia and Uncle Nick, my step brother.

Great Uncle Fritz (my mom's brother) and Lelia

Christmas Morning

Lelia getting ready to open her wooden doll bed from Papa, my father.

Reading a book with Papa. Awwwww.

Christmas Eve

The Big Snow

A LIttle Christmas Cheer

A precious friend of mine, Sarah (above on the left) had my girls and the Roberts girls over for a Christmas cooking decotating, craft making, fun day to celebrate our coming Savior. Her oldest daughter, Anna, told the story of Jesus' birth on a felt board (seen above) that all of the kids loved. Naomi helped the kids with thier crafts and cooking decorating. It is a memory I will always cherish.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Years to everyone. I just wanted to share one of the pictures we got taken for Christmas gifts this year...I think they turned out pretty well! For the last week I have been setting goals for 2010. I found a framework to do this on this website. I hope this helps if you want to set some goals for you and your family and aren't sure where to start. I pray that this year is a blessing to you and your families :) Love, The Clarkes
p.s. Christmas pics to come...