Thursday, April 14, 2011

Trip to Texas

We went to Texas last weekend to celebrate the life of a special woman in the Clarke family, Tom's Grandma Mary.  Mary was the daughter of Tom's Great-grandma Lelia, bet you can guess where we got our little Lelia's name from.  The girls did a great job with the trip and the I think the family all enjoyed having the them there.  It was a joy to be with the extended Clarke family who are always so warm with all of us.
Marianne, Judy, Sandy, Sharon, Amy 

Getting ready for thier bus ride to the terminal.  We sang The Wheels on the Bus and got a few laughs out of other passengers. 

On the plane, ready for take off.  Lelia looks happy, huh? 

They played like this most of the way. 

At Aunt Judy's ranch going for a walk to see the creek on her property.  I wish I had taken a picture of the baby birds the girls got to see in one of her bird houses.  They loved that.  Judy's home was such a neat place for kids to visit.  So much room to run around and so much of nature to explore. 

Lelia and Luke had such a good time together.  It is so neat to watch the girls play with thier cousins (or second cousins in this case).  Luke and Jake were so good with the girls, watching out for them and helping them when they needed it.  I wish I had gotten a picture of time. 

Soooo cute.  Unfortunately, that is not what Lelia and I looked like a few rows ahead.  Neither one of us slept at all.  But it sure looked like it would have been nice!

Random Shots

Sedona taking care of her doggy's hiney. 

This really tickled me.  Lelia asked me for a piece of string one afternoon so I gave it to her.  When I came back she had used a piece of fabric, some tape and the string to make her own neclace.  It was so neat to me that she had thought up this little project all on her own and it actually came together really well.  I love watching my kids learn and grow! 

A lollipop with a bunny face on the end of it given to the girls by our good friends Ron and Pam DePas. 

The girls making English muffin pizza's at Amy Holley's house.  They had SOOO much fun!

Mommy / Daughter Date with Lelia

Lelia and I had a tough week together so on Saturday we decided that a fun day out together was a good way to bring our hearts back together.  We went to a huge indoor discovery place where kids can touch and play with everything there.  We had such a great time.  I was so encouraged by the fact that she wanted to read for almost a third of the time we were there.  She's going to be a great student!!  Enjoy the pictures.
I think the firetruck was her favorite.  It may have been mine too :) 

Grocery shopping. 

Planting her very own garden. 

Riding a tractor. 

Playing in the medical equipment in the back of an abulance.

Papa's Birthday!

We had a lunch together followed by chocolate birthday cake.

The birthday boy got the job of helping Sedona in the potty.  Lucky, isn't he?!

First Swimming Lessons

The girls started thier first swimming lessons this year to get ready for the summer.  I had no idea how difficult it would be for both them as well as me!

With Mr. Mark, thier very first swimming coach.

Our Song

I went to a Chris Tomlin concert with some girlfriends and the very first song they played was our family's favorite song to sing and dance to.  The song is called Our God.  I took this video while I was at the concert thinking about my girls and I was so excited for them to see it on my camera when I saw them the next morning!

Some of my girlfriends

Megan, Pam, Lisa, Amy, Izora and me after the Chris Tomlin fun! 

Sedona feeding Megan's little one. 

Lisa's surprise baby shower.   

Izora, Amy, Pam, Megan, Lisa and me at Lisa's surprise shower at Carrabba's. 

The girls making English muffin pizzas at Amy's house for a girls lunch.

Uma's Birthday / Tea Party

The girls and I had a tea party for my mom's birthday.  We made tea sandwiches, scones and English Breakfast tea.  We got all dressed up and had such a nice time.