Well, I fooled you and myself! On Wednesday night I thought I was beginning to miscarry our 3rd pregnancy and was devastated! Thursday morning went to the doctor's office to take blood to check on my pregnancy hormone levels to tell how far along I was and then they would bring me back in on Saturday to see if the levels had increased or decreased to tell us whether or not I was, in fact, miscarrying. When they got the tests back on Friday morning they found that I had absolutely no levels of the pregnancy hormone in my blood at all which could only mean one thing...I was not pregnant and I never was pregnant. I asked then about the two positive pregnancy tests I took and they said they couldn't explain that. I asked if that could have happened because I had just had a child 2 months earlier and the nurse said she had heard of that happening before but that it was HIGHLY uncommon?? So, much to our surprise and your's too I imagine, we won't be having a new little bundle to love come July.
How are we doing with this information? We are having mixed feelings right now. We are very sad to know that this little life we thought we were going to be welcoming into our family will not be joining us after all. We are working on changing gears so to speak because we were already planning for his / her arrival and getting very excited. We are adjusting to a new reality of staying parents of 2 for a little while longer. We are also a little relieved that we won't be moving so quickly up the ladder to being parents of 3...we were having a hard time swallowing that one. I am grateful that I will have a little more time to raise Lelia and Sedona before we start again with another newborn. I am hoping to start trying for number 3 in a few years time...we are aware, however, that sometimes God has other plans and we welcome any child He chooses to bless us with. I am also grateful that I won't be pregnant this summer because I haven't been "un-pregnant" since the summer we were married almost 3 years ago!
We are grateful for your love and support and ask for your continued prayers for our family. Suddenly, raising two kids 12 months apart doesn't seem like such a large task...I guess we have gotten a heavy dose of perspective the last month!