After Jack's immune system was up and running again I was able to bring the girls up to Baltimore to spend the day at the Baltimore Aquarium with mom. I took this picture of the fountain because it was very close to thier condo and I'm sure will be a well remembered landmark that they saw every day. Jack is doing beautifully and so happy to be home in Annapolis...and back to work in Virginia, if you can believe that!

This picture was from a few days before they moved back to Annapolis. Jack was already on the upswing. He had enough immune system to even see the little germ-bags...er, um...I mean the kids :) HA!

Well, the transplant is finally over! Jack came through it better than most and his attitude was amazing. This picture was from mid-trasplant while Jack was in the hospital with mouth soars that they wanted to keep an eye on.
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