Well, our new little bundle is finally here. She was born on September 16th, 2008 at 7:14 p.m. She weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. and was 20 inches long. The labor and delivery went without any problems and was VERY easy!! Brooke was in labor for 6 hours and only pushed for 11 minutes and most importantly...the epidural worked perfectly! Yeah!
Lelia and Sedona are both doing well. Lelia is adjusting to being a big sister and because of that is a little crankier than normal. Sedona had a little time that was touch and go for the first week of her life...there was some concern about Sedona having botulism but that was ruled out before we had to admit her back to the hospital. So, all is settling in at the home front. Tom went back to work on Tuesday and although we miss him greatly, we are doing much better than expected at home.
Most of all, we feel so grateful for all of the love, support and generosity so many have shown toward us. We are grateful for a healthy baby and a easy arrival into this world. Now, we are praying for a relatively easy adjustment for Lelia and for our family of 4 to bond in months to come. Thank you for everything! Love, The Clarkes