Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lelia's First Kiss

We had a play date / picnic with the Entwisles and the Pastermacks and it turned out to be a big event in Lelia's life. She had her first kiss with Jonathan Pastermack. Even though it was Lelia's first kiss, I have to say it sure doesn't look like Jonathan's. It gave us all a HUGE laugh!!

Our New Activities

Pulling up to stand and shuffling down furniture a little.

Watching the washing machine do its thing.

More Eating Pics

Baked Penne Pasta

Potatoes Au Gratin (check out the hair)

Brooke and Jack's B-day Party

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Joseph is saying goodbye to the DC area.

Joseph and Tom have been good friends since they met when Joseph moved to Northern Virginia over 3 years ago. He was in the saber arch in our wedding 2 years ago and wore his Navy uniform proudly. Joseph has decided to get out of the Navy to go to seminary in L.A. County, California. He will be at Biola getting his MDiv. Lelia and I met up with he and Tom in Northern Virginia on Tuesday to have lunch at Red Hot & Blue. It was a great adventure for us girls! It was also the very first time I got to see where Tom works! All of his jobs before this one were the kind where if he told me about them he would have had to kill this was a special treat! Now I can picture the little cubicle where he is sitting when I talk to him during his work day. It was also wonderful to put faces with the names of those he works with.

Joseph, we wish you all the best in your time on the West Coast and we look forward to updates on your life and studies. We can't wait to witness the impact you will have on many as you pursue God's vision for your ministry.
Love, The Clarkes

Learning to Write

New Photos

Crawlin' through the tunnel Papa Toomey bought Lelia.

On the move after a bath.

Check out those piano legs :)

Eating an apple.

Ian and Lelia listening to Jon play music at Bible study.

Watching the Blue Angels with Uma

Chocolate ice cream euphoria!


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lelia's Baby Dedication / Mother's Day

Lelia was dedicated to the Lord at church on Mother's Day. It is what our church does instead of infant baptism. It is more about the parents making a commitment to raise their child in the ways of God than it is about what it means spiritually to the child. It is our hope that when Lelia is old enough to understand who Jesus is she will make the decision to profess her faith in Him by being baptized! It was a very special day for us!

Lelia's Buddy, Drew

We just met Drew 2 weeks ago. I ran into Liz, a girl I went to high school with, at church and found out that she has a son just 2 weeks younger than Lelia. Liz and Drew came to our play group this week and had a blast! I hope they are going to keep spending time with all of us!

Happy and On-the-move!

Invited to our first birthday party!

Lelia was invited to her first birthday party last weekend. It was her friend Georgia Holden's 1st birthday. As you can see in the picture above, Lelia had her very first lollipop there and LOVED it! It was a bit of a sticky mess to clean up...bath tubs have to be the worlds greatest inventions for parents of small kids!

Bonus-Grandma Lonnie

Bonus-Grandma Lonnie came over to play with Lelia a few weekends ago so that Tom and I could get out for date. We realized that it had been almost 4 months since we had been out on a date! We don't plan to let it go that long again...time flies when you have a little one to love and take care of!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Gott Boys

I went to play with Ian and Preston Gott yesterday. They have the coolest house with lots of toys. I had never played with a truck until I started playing with them a few months ago and I love them. I hope Mommy and Daddy get me a few.

Me and Mommy Going to the Cubs Game

My First Cubs Game

I went to my first Cubs game on Sunday. I felt like one of the team members with the outfit that Grandma Mim and Grandpa Clarke gave me. Once we got there Mommy and Daddy had to buy me a Washington Nationals sweatshirt because it was too cold, but Mommy told me not to get used to wearing it 'cause it would be the last time. I only made it 3 innings before I couldn't stop crying and Mommy and Daddy had to take me home. It was so much fun though!

Mommy's Birthday

For mommy's birthday on Saturday daddy, mommy and me went out to breakfast at Grumps, we do that every Saturday as a family. Then we met Grandpa Toomey at Cantler's and I had crabs for the first time. I LOVED them!! Then we went home at had dinner at home with Grandpa Jack. It was a wonderful day!

Playing With Friends

We got together with some friends last Friday, fed the ducks downtown and went to the Naval Academy to watch a demonstration of a WWII fire-gun-thingy (that's not the technical term :). We went with the Pastermacks and 2 of the Hofer girls. It was a nice day to spend with friends, outside in the nice weather!