Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Winter Activity

This is a great activity I found on Run The Earth Watch The Sky, a website I love. I did most of the tracing and cutting although Lelia had her own snowflake to work on and she loved it. We're trying to keep busy in the midst of these 2 back to back blizzards. It's so beautiful outside!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Our Visit with the Newlyweds

Sarah and Jorge Solorzano visiting from El Salvador. Sarah is my old roomate and good friend and she married a local in San Salvador where they both serve in a church. It was so fun to spend the evening with them. The girls loved them!

Our Snow Cave

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Getting Toasty

Whatta mess!


When we came in from being out in the deep deep snow we had "dinner." It was 5 o'clock when we came in and we couldn't miss the opportunity for warming up with some good ol' hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies.

Blizzard Pics

Friday, February 5, 2010

2010: A White Winter

Another winter blizzard is brewing outside tonight. This is the second blizzard in 2010 and the 3rd or 4th snow and if meteorologists are accurate, there is more coming after this one. We've had a lot this year. The kids have loved playing in it and I've loved watching it. There is nothing better than sitting in your home, drinking a warm drink and looking out the window at freshly fallen snow. It is breathtaking. When I see this kind of beauty it reminds me that these small joys are gifts. Gifts from the One who created everything. I believe that these things were created for us to enjoy. Is it possible to feel loved just by looking at something beautiful? I do.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lunch With Small Group Friends

Megan, Heather, Sarah and Me (do I look like a giant or is it just me?!)

Heather, Pheobe and Sarah

Megan, Preston and Ian

We are totally out numbered with all of the kids...and 5 of the kids weren't even there!

Lelia - January

I LOVE this picture, I really do! She was trying on a hand-me-down summer dress and felt like a princess...the face doesn't quite give you that impression but she was twirling the entire time. Have I said that I LOVE having girls?? :)

Playin' in the tent...this was such a fun afternoon!

Isn't she adorable?!

Sedona - January

Eating cookies in the tent.

Playin' in the sink...oh, come on, you don't have a pile of dishes in your sink all the time too?! LOL

Making heart-healthy gingerbread bars for Daddy. The batter was better than the bars were, hands down!

A friend gave us a bunch of hand-me-downs and Sedona wanted to try them all on, on top of each other! She kept saying, "piddy, piddy" for pretty...she's all girl!

Our Precious Girls