Marianne, Judy, Sandy, Sharon, Amy
Getting ready for thier bus ride to the terminal. We sang The Wheels on the Bus and got a few laughs out of other passengers.
On the plane, ready for take off. Lelia looks happy, huh?
They played like this most of the way.
At Aunt Judy's ranch going for a walk to see the creek on her property. I wish I had taken a picture of the baby birds the girls got to see in one of her bird houses. They loved that. Judy's home was such a neat place for kids to visit. So much room to run around and so much of nature to explore.
Lelia and Luke had such a good time together. It is so neat to watch the girls play with thier cousins (or second cousins in this case). Luke and Jake were so good with the girls, watching out for them and helping them when they needed it. I wish I had gotten a picture of time.
Soooo cute. Unfortunately, that is not what Lelia and I looked like a few rows ahead. Neither one of us slept at all. But it sure looked like it would have been nice!