Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Trip to PA with Megan and the Boys

We stopped to feed the baby on the way up to Pennsylvania and found a field to let the kids play in.   

We went to a petting zoo and got to pet the largest animals I've ever seen in a petting zoo before.  The kids and the parents loved it! 

Stopping to enjoy our whoopie pies that we bought from a local Amish baker. 

The girls went on 4 wheeler rides with the boys and had a blast!
Preston and Lelia 

Ian and Sedona 

The kids took tractor rides.
Megan and Lelia 

Megan and Dylan 

Playin in the pool 

Playin in the field. 

Preston and Lelia rolling down a hill. 

Went to Chocolate World at Hershy Park.  We were eating our 2 free Hershy Kisses after our tour of the chocolate factory. 

Random June / July Shots

Going to lunch with Papa. 

Playing with baby Dylan who was supposed to be napping...oops. 

I got into a bad car accident at the end of June...here's is Tom's car after the accident.  We had to buy a new used car that we now call Barney because the 2000 Camry has a hint of purple in the "blue" paint.  Tom has suddenly become more motivated to make more money to buy a new car!  

This was the other ladie's car. 

Went to a free kids concert at Maryland Hall of a Ugandan band and the underprivelaged kids they had taught at a music camp during the week.  The performance was pretty good but the kids didn't last through the whole thing.  It was really nice to have some time with Uma!

Lelia's very first VBS...she had so much fun and almost a month later we are still listening every morning to the CD of music that we were given from that week.  Bonus: she got to be in Miss Megan's group who is one of Mommy's friends that the girls adore!

Breakfast with Papa.

Hannah's Send Off

Our sweet regular babysitter, Hannah move to Norfolk, VA with her family who is in the navy.  She was with our family for about 2 years and she sat for us all the time.  We had her over for dinner before she left and this is a picture we took after dinner.  She is so missed and loved by all of us!!

A Few May Science Lessons

Searching the jar with the empty cacoon that we had been watching for weeks. 

The beautiful Luna Moth that we had waited patiently to watch hatch from it's cacoon.  Sadly the moth didn't make it because its wings never fully expanded but it made for such a great time of learning and talking about this amazing process.  We got in some good conversations about how God takes us from a place of lesser beauty to a place of greater beauty as we choose to follow Him and learn from Him.  This may have been my favorite "project" with the girls so far. 

Another very cool project this May was what we learned about after a neighbor found a snake skin.  We got to talk about how the snake uses something like a stick or something else in nature to help pull it's skin off.  This was one smart snake...he actually climbed through a hole on a wheelchair ramp to pull of his skin and the empty skin was found through the hole...the head through one end and the tail hanging out the other.  In the bottom picture you can see where the snake's eyeball was.  We borrowed a book on snakes to learn more about the process that snakes go through in order to grow.

Random May Shots

Check out that belly!! 

Planting our vegatable garden in May for the summer.  We are getting loads of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and green beans.  They are loving it and so am I! 

Riding in the tractor with Ian and Preston.

Pretending to snooze in Uncle Pooya's bed.