Lelia had her first try with solid food last night. She seemed to enjoy it, kicking her legs and eating as much as I would give her. I think it was more fun for me than it was for her :)
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13
It is such a joy to have the privilege to watch our little girl grow. As you can see she is very chatty...we aren't sure what she is saying yet but before long she will be able to communicate with us more clearly. Lelia is also becoming more coordinated with her arms and legs. She still isn't able to make them do exactly what she wants them to but she is getting much better! She is pretty consistently able to get her fist in her mouth and most of the time able to reach out to hit a hanging toy. We fell like God has really given us the ability to seem more of Him through the joy we experience in Lelia. We feel so blessed!