Friday, April 4, 2008

Lelia Is Doing Some New Things

Hi everyone! Just wanted to write a quick blog update on Lelia's new favorite things to do. About 2 weeks ago Lelia began lifting up her arm, staring at her hand and moving it around...sounds silly but I couldn't figure out what she was doing until a mother of 3 said, "she's waiving!" I was shocked! But sure enough, she is waiving...sometimes appropriately and then sometimes just for herself to remind herself what a big girl she is :) She has officially really found her voice...but not just any voice...her "outside" voice. I feel terrible for the family that lives below us with a 2 week old son...Lelia LOVES to squeal...all the time! Yesterday she tried to put a shape into an opening of the toy it goes she is putting together that things can go inside of things...that was pretty neat! Other than that, she is now more picky with baby food because she wants adult food. She won't eat mashed peas, but whole peas are just fine. So, her taste buds are maturing :) She loves corn bread, cheerios, canned fruit, noodle casserole and more to be revealed I'm sure. That's about it for now. We hope you all are doing well. Love, The Clarkes

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